Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Wendy!!

This post is mainly for my Mom. Questions about the garden and such. :). I mowed the lawn and found all sorts of fun things.

The dead plant around the tulips. What do I do about that?
 This is by the flag pole. Besides the dead leaves, does more mulch go over here too?

Where can I buy more mulch? I have green plants popping up in the flower bed.

 At least the apple tree is looking amazing!!

 As does Mt. Olympus.


  1. LOve the pictures and in fact, things are growing as they should. The dead plants cut down to about two inches. They are pernnials and will come up again when it is their season. You are probably thinking of the chrysanthemums which are fall flowers.
    See if there is some mulch in the garage. I bought it at Home Depot and it is the brown, not the red I think. It was 3 bags fro $10 last year. I think I left a bag in the garage so you would know what to use.

  2. More comments. Some of the green plants are good, some will be weeds. Pull up grass coming through the black, then spread a good thick layer of mulch over it, including around the flag pole. Good for the little periwinkle that came up. through the summer you will see perennials (plants that come up every year). There are daisies, long slim green leaves, and daylillies. The little yellow flower with a feathery leaf will take over so watch them carefully and pull up what you don't want. I got a start from Jacque Slivka and they will take over. I pulled them all out of the garden by the lamp post, but they are pretty presistent.
    If you want more color, plant a few of the pots and sit in the garden area. They get watered by the sprinklers and add some interest.
    I'm proud of you for getting out in the yard.
    Brian was going to call True Green and have them come and see what they can do to help the lawn. If he hasn't had someone come and give a bid, maybe you can. Bob said his efforts haven't been working.

    1. So, this was Monday. We now have at least 3 inches of snow....
      Once the snow goes away, I will look inside the garage and get the mulch spread out.
