Tonight for Randy's birthday, we had Apple Pie. It was very tasty.

Today was Stake Conference, which we have down at the Assembly Hall down on Temple Square. All the talks were amazingly done.
There was one sister who is getting ready to go and serve a mission. She was inactive about 4 years ago and had a friend that kept asking her to come to different activities. She finally said yes and it ended being coming to Stake Conference. She said that she sat in the back corner and half-listened. The speaker spoke on the Temple and going to the temple, and if you don't feel worthy, then just going and touching the Temple to feel it's Spirit. She said that she went by the Logan Temple everyday for 2 weeks until she finally felt like she could touch it. She touched the temple and felt like she needed to really start working on her Family History. She started working on finding her family and they come from Italy. She fell back into the church through her search and started going back to church and finally to the Temple. She was having a hard time finding her great grandfather's wife's last name. All she had was Anna. She telling her story to her family and her relative said she needed to contact a distant relative in Chicago. She called and was given the last name of Anna. She had been fasting to be able to find this name. She looked back through her notes and realized she had written down Anna's full name on her first page of her notes, when she wasn't back in the church. She felt that she just needed to write the name down. She was supposed to leave for business trip that got cancelled and was given a ticket to anywhere in the US. She decided to go to Chicago to visit her extended family. She called and said that she was coming. Her relative said that they had been collecting information of all their family members and were unable to add it to Family Search since they did not have a login since they were not members. They also asked about what happens after this life and wonders if she knew. She is going to visit them on Tuesday and bringing two men in suits with her. She was called the Rome Italy Mission, where her family is from.
Another spoke of reaching out to others, even if you don't get a reply right away.

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