8:24 am

2:20 pm
The cloud finally left around 5:12.
Tonight I went to an Area Auxiliary Training for Relief Society. It was done by the General Relief Society President, President Linda Burton.
We came back and my car wouldn't start. My car doesn't like my church parking lot. This is the second time it wouldn't start. It is kind of like the line from "Pushing Daisies": So what if - in the unlikely, but not impossible event - that the car gets up to the speed of 70 miles an hour with the headlights on and the seat warmer on low, a short circuit in the radio causes a cataclysmic chain reaction that blows the car and it precious cargo to smithereens!". Not that I am afraid of being blown to smithereens, but when I leave my lights on for too long and I am not driving, my car doesn't like to start. My amazing Presidency helped me get my car up and running again in the rain.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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