Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014

This weeks flowers at the office. So pretty!

I love these tall ones in the back, now in orange and yellow.

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June 24, 2014

Today, I finally got my hair done. The highlights had grown out about 3-4 inches.


Take off some length, and the wave/curl comes out.
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June 23, 2014

Look Mom! Cherries! :)

You have to look closely for the red dots.
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Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22, 2014

He he he! This is the best picture I could get. :). We had dinner at Brian and Elizabeth's tonight.

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June 21, 2014

This morning I went to help with Millie's Princess Run. It is a run to help raise money for kids living with cancer. We ended up getting Waffle Love.

This afternoon, I went and saw "Mary Poppins" at Hale Center Theater. It was so great!

I loved seeing people I know in the show. Brock and Alan were amazing!! It was so great to see both of them!

Tonight, I watched Molly so her parents could go to Stake Conference. We enjoyed Wallace and Gromit on VHS, since my Winnie the Pooh has disappeared.

Isn't she adorable?!?

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 20, 2014

It looks like I am officially going back to school. I got a college acceptance letter for the first time in 8 years. Yikes! :)

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19, 2014

Today I got a FaceTime call from the Slivka's.

Becky said I looked like my dad from a distance. :)

Tonight I went and played softball. I actually hit the ball twice, and only struck out once. :)

I went to Island Flavor tonight. I love that place!

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June 18, 2014

I went and saw the movie "Belle" tonight. It was really well done. It is about a black girl during the 1700s in England born to a white Admiral. It is based on a true story of how she has to find a spot in society. It also showed the beginnings of the abolition of the slave trade in England. It is a great independent film.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014

Tonight was Ward Temple Night. I totally missed the session. I walked into the Temple at 7... Oops. I went and did initatories, which was nice.

Yes this picture is from tonight. Middle of June and dark foreboding clouds and low temperatures.

Beautiful rainbow as I walked out of the temple. Dark clouds with a rainbow and then the sun shinning off the building.

Mt. Olympus by the high school.
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June 16, 2014

The beautiful flowers for this week.

From Draw Something! It is a round where you guess others drawings. This is from a phone game, using your finger mostly to draw...

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June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Dad!! I am so grateful for you and for all that you teach me. I am also so grateful for the example you are and all the support that you give me. Thank you and I love you!! Happy Father's Day also to my brothers and brother-in-laws. You are all amazing examples.

Tonight I was invited up to the Kobe's house in Peterson. We had amazing steak and also some amazing homemade ice cream and Wendy's brownies.

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 14, 2014

This morning was Julie's Dance Camp performance. She always does a great job!

Today, after Julie's dance camp performance, we went and enjoyed the Flamingo Hills pool all to ourselves. :)

The boys helped Kyle move a new bunny hutch into place for the 12 bunnies in their backyard. Anyone want a bunny? Seriously?

Tonight was a ward party at the Etherington's. Their house is this great house that looks like a lighthouse in Holladay. It was a great party with a BBQ and swimming if you felt inclined. I played croquet and then volleyball.

After it was too dark to play, Cassidy Etherington in our ward took some of is up to see the lighthouse part. We fit 16 people up there. Very tight, but not too bad on temperature. :). We stayed up there for a while playing games.

The Dance Camp Show

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 13, 2014

So, apparently my toes glow in the dusk.  This doesn't show just how bright they are.

Tonight, Wendy and Janey came to visit to work on a project.  Wendy asked why I haven't played in a while.  Apparently, I thought I had deleted it and I haven't.  625 days later?  :)

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June 12, 2014

Today, I was sitting at work and my phone starting ringing to do FaceTime with Wendy.  This was who was actually on the other end.  Apparently, Janey needed to talk to someone and Kyle didn't pick up.  :)

Tonight, Miss Janey came to visit for a few so Wendy could get some items done.  She loved the rocking horse in the basement.
Tonight was a Tri-Stake Temple night.  Sarah and I rode down together and then she went and did baptisms and I did iniatories.  I got done before her, so I just walked around Temple Square and visited the Visitor Centers, since I never do because I live here.
Where is Efik language in the world?

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Friday, June 13, 2014

June 11, 2014

Tonight I went to Nickel Mania to celebrate my friend Will's birthday. I spent most of my time here...Addams Family pinball

...and here - Dance Dance Revolution!

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad, Chris and Jake!!

Today, I went up to the Utah Olympic Park for a free tasting from Have Party...Will Travel. They had some amazing potatoes and pot roast.  For dessert, you designed your own plate with a spinner.  The plate spun in a machine, and then colored syrup was dropped on the plate.  I only added 2 of each color - blue, red and orange - it could have used more.  It was a lot of fun.  Afterwards, we took a tour around the venue space up there.  There is an awesome museum up there to the 2002 Olympics.

June 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Heidi!

The beautiful flowers that arrived in our office for this week.

 Our Dance Company pictures arrived today.  They turned out great!

June 8, 2014

Today was family dinner up at Mike and Amy's house.  I tried to get a picture from when the Slivka's called to talk, but was unable to. :(

 Janey loves story books and Uncle Mike is reading one about bears.  She may have roared a good few times while reading.

Happy Birthday Elizabeth!  She is the only June birthday in Utah.

Julie's amazing Pear and Carmel cake.  So yummy!

June 7, 2014

Tonight was the Annual Spring Concert for Clayton Productions.  It was a great show!

The cute Knight kids all did great!

 James and Josh are somewhere up there...

 Same thing here with Thea and Topher.  They are somewhere in there.

This is Julie's group Pizzazz.  They were great tonight!

 That is a lot of kids up on the stage.  That is all the students in the studio at this time.

Kim Clayton is amazing at what he does.  He has spread his love of music to so many people throughout the nation and the world.  He is an amazing example!

Afterwards, we went Leatherby's.  We had all the kids sit at one table and the adults were at another table nearby.  :)
Tonight was the Annual Spring Concert for Clayton Productions.  It was a great show!