This morning was Julie's Dance Camp performance. She always does a great job!
Today, after Julie's dance camp performance, we went and enjoyed the Flamingo Hills pool all to ourselves. :)

The boys helped Kyle move a new bunny hutch into place for the 12 bunnies in their backyard. Anyone want a bunny? Seriously?

Tonight was a ward party at the Etherington's. Their house is this great house that looks like a lighthouse in Holladay. It was a great party with a BBQ and swimming if you felt inclined. I played croquet and then volleyball.

After it was too dark to play, Cassidy Etherington in our ward took some of is up to see the lighthouse part. We fit 16 people up there. Very tight, but not too bad on temperature. :). We stayed up there for a while playing games.
The Dance Camp Show
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