Tonight, Uncle Tom and I were invited over to Brian & Elizabeth's for dinner. We had rice/burrito bowls. This is Molly enjoying
Winnie-the-Pooh after dinner. Turn on anything Pooh Bear related, and she will love you.

We went up to the Salt Lake Cemetery to visit the Williams side graves.

This is Grandma and Grandpa Williams' graves, as well Grandma's side of the family - Great-great grandma Rasmine Hansen, Henry & Johannah Tayler - my great-grandparents.

The Knight's met us up there.

While we were up there, one of the Knight kids needed to use the restroom. Randy took him and all the others piled into Brian and Elizabeth's car. We made 10 of us fit in there. :) The four left kids sat in the trunk, with the door open, Brian, Elizabeth, Julie and Molly in the front, and Tom and I in the middle. We drove this way up to our great-grandparent's graves, Henry and Jennett Williams, which I was able find. Go me!
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