This morning, Samantha, Sarah and I went and did Baptisms at the Salt Lake Temple. It was a beautiful morning to be in the Temple and I love taking my nieces there.

Tonight, I went saw "Divergent" and it was great! It totally lived up to the book, which I finished two weeks ago.
This is the idea behind "Divergent". Different factions and living in a post war Chicago.

At the movie, I went to use the restroom and took my phone out of my backpack so it wouldn't fall in, and of course it slipped out of my hands into the toilet. Oops. I pulled it out and it was still on and working. Hooray!!
It got a rice bath tonight.

We then went to Iceberg and I tried their Rice Krispies Treat shake. Totally made the wrong decision, for the record. I should have gone with the Nutella Shake.

We also went to a game store tonight and I found "10 Days in Europe" for $6.25. Yes please! :)
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