Mom came home for Wendy and Kyle's wedding. She brought home this umbrella. I had seen it in Manchester when I was there, but was unable to buy it. Now I have one. Hooray!
I really need to learn how to make a different type of jello. I know how to do Strawberry with Applesauce, Cherry with Applesauce, and Peach with cream cheese and peaches. I really need a new flavor.
Vocal Point was amazing tonight. I always think their concerts go too fast. New members since The Sing-Off=accidentally being called the wrong name on stage. Muscle memory. Also, McBieber. Awesome.
Late night at work getting the new kitchen ready for our new office space. 9 pm to 1 am. This is what it looks like now....I should have taken a before. It looks 100% better. It was either to come in tonight and have help from 2 others or do it all day tomorrow by myself. Mmm...I think I will take the help.
Had to take FedExs to the Cowboy Partners building for the 6 o'clock drop. Luckily, the nice FedEx guy, Reuben, was waiting for 6 o'clock to hit. I was grateful!